Merging companies means that very distinct cultures from two different companies will come together. This can present a challenge for the owners and managers for a host of reasons, so it’s critical that everyone comes into the process with a clear understanding of...
BUSINESS & COMMERCIAL LAW – Business & Commercial Law
3 reminders for individuals in partnership disputes
Business partnerships are based on mutual respect and a shared commitment to grow the company together. People who enter into partnerships typically have a good understanding of how everything will work between them, including who is in charge of what decisions. ...
How to protect your company’s sensitive data
Protecting a company’s sensitive data has always been important, but this is especially the case in the digital age. When data is leaked maliciously or unintentionally, it can cause the business financial and reputational harm. Outlined below is some useful...
3 alarming signs from a business partner
3 alarming signs from a business partner While you may have done due diligence to enter into a partnership with a reliable partner, they may change in the future. They may exhibit characteristics you didn't see before, which can potentially harm the business. Below...
How to legally defend your company from a hostile takeover
Hostile takeovers pose a significant threat to businesses, especially smaller companies with low institutional ownership. These firms often lack the money to fight off aggressive bids. Your company might draw unwanted attention from potential buyers if it has high...
What are the advantages of using employment contracts?
At-will employment is very common in the United States, and it means that employees do not have contracts. They simply agree to work at the business for a specific wage. But there’s no contract in place, so this relationship could end – by the will of either of the...
If you buy a business, does the owner become an employee?
In many cases, a business owner will leave after selling their company. For instance, maybe your company is in the process of acquiring a smaller local competitor. You are going to take over their operation, gaining access to their intellectual property, along with...
Why do mergers lead to layoffs?
As a business owner, you’re always looking for ways to expand your reach and improve your company. Recently, you’ve been talking to other local business owners, and you’re considering a merger. You and another business owner think that you would both be more...
Influencers, disclosures and your brand
These days, every brand seems to be partnering with online influencers as a way to reach their target audience and boost engagement. However, the “Wild West” days of online influencing have passed. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has handed down rules that require...
Have competitors tried to push your company out of the market?
There are certain behaviors by businesses that can make it impossible for other companies to fairly compete with them. Many such practices, like establishing a local monopoly by acquiring all competing businesses, violate state and federal antitrust laws. Sometimes,...